Saturday, December 29, 2012

Waiting for Our Puppy

     We got word that we are getting a puppy!

     Guide Dogs of America gives each litter a letter and all the puppies from that litter are given a name that begins with that letter. Our letter is "P" and we are getting a female.
Penny, Posey, Piper, Polly...

     The problem is some names are already taken by working guide dogs and the names can't be duplicated. There are 9 puppies in our litter so the names go fast. We asked for Penny and Piper and those names were unavailable so Poppy it is. I like Poppy the best anyway.

      We are all waiting for January 4th which is the day we will bring Poppy home. Sally...


     Sally and Buddy are 12 years old. I wonder what they will think of a new family member. Especially one with a whole lot of PUPPY energy.